Conquering Relational Data in Your Next.js API: A Framework Showdown

2 min readJun 22, 2024


As a seasoned front-end developer with Next.js prowess, you’re ready to dive into the exciting world of APIs. This journey often involves managing relational data, like the intricate dance between sellers and clients in an invoice system. You’ve got the SQL skills, but the sheer number of frameworks can be overwhelming. Fear not, fellow developer, for this guide will equip you with the knowledge to choose the perfect framework for your relational data needs!

Understanding Your Options: A Realm of Frameworks

The realm of JavaScript backend frameworks offers a plethora of choices, each with its own strengths and quirks. Here are some of the most popular contenders for managing relational data in your Next.js API:

  • Express.js: A lightweight and flexible framework, Express provides a solid foundation for building APIs. You’ll have granular control but will need to handle data access and object-relational mapping (ORM) yourself.
  • NestJS: Inspired by Angular, NestJS offers a structured and scalable approach with built-in dependency injection. It can streamline development but might have a steeper learning curve for those new to the paradigm.
  • TypeORM: An ORM that simplifies working with relational databases. It acts as a bridge between your JavaScript code and the underlying SQL, allowing you to interact with data using objects and familiar syntax.

Choosing Your Champion: Matching Needs with Frameworks

Deciding on the best framework depends on your specific project requirements:

  • For Beginners: If you’re new to APIs and backend development, Express.js offers a good starting point due to its simplicity. However, be prepared to invest more effort in data access and ORM solutions.
  • For Structure and Scalability: If your project demands organization and scalability, NestJS might be a great fit. Its structured approach can help maintain a clean codebase in larger projects.
  • For Streamlined Data Management: If managing relational data is a core concern, TypeORM can be a game-changer. It simplifies interacting with databases and reduces the need to write raw SQL code.

The Final Verdict: It’s All About Your Project

There’s no single “best” framework. Each option has its strengths and caters to different project needs. Consider your experience level, project complexity, and desired level of data management abstraction when making your choice.

Bonus Tip: Experimentation is key! Explore documentation and tutorials for each framework to get a feel for their syntax and workflows. This hands-on approach can help you identify the framework that resonates most with your development style.

